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Created by an outstanding team of 95 evangelical Christian scholars and teachers, the ESV Study Bible (ESVSB) presents completely new study notes, maps, illustrations, charts, timelines, articles, and introductions. Altogether, the ESV Study Bible Notes combined with the ESV Bible text, comprises 2 million words of Bible text, insightful explanation, teaching, and reference material—equivalent to...

3:1–15 An Oracle of Warning. The sins for which Israel is to be judged are touched upon but not detailed here. Rather, God is simply warning Israel through Amos that judgment is surely coming. The prophet has heard the roar of the lion just as he launches himself on his prey (vv. 4, 8). What can the prophet do but tell what he has heard? 3:1–2 Hear this word introduces the first three messages (3:1; 4:1; 5:1). The God of Israel is the Creator who spoke the world into existence and who is characterized
Amos 3