
Isaiah 65:17–18

The Glorious New Creation

17 “For behold, I create fnew heavens and a new earth;

And the former shall not be remembered or 6come to mind.

18 But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;

For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing,

And her people a joy.

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Isaiah 65:17–18 — The New International Version (NIV)

17 “See, I will create

new heavens and a new earth.

The former things will not be remembered,

nor will they come to mind.

18 But be glad and rejoice forever

in what I will create,

for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight

and its people a joy.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — English Standard Version (ESV)

17 “For behold, I create new heavens

and a new earth,

and the former things shall not be remembered

or come into mind.

18 But be glad and rejoice forever

in that which I create;

for behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy,

and her people to be a gladness.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — King James Version (KJV 1900)

17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth:

And the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

18 But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create:

For, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — New Living Translation (NLT)

17 “Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth,

and no one will even think about the old ones anymore.

18 Be glad; rejoice forever in my creation!

And look! I will create Jerusalem as a place of happiness.

Her people will be a source of joy.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — New Century Version (NCV)

17 “Look, I will make new heavens and a new earth,

and people will not remember the past

or think about those things.

18 My people will be happy forever

because of the things I will make.

I will make a Jerusalem that is full of joy,

and I will make her people a delight.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — American Standard Version (ASV)

17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. 18 But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create; for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — 1890 Darby Bible (DARBY)

17 For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. 18 But be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create. For behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

17 I will create a new heaven and a new earth. 

Past things will not be remembered. 

They will not come to mind. 

18 Be glad, and rejoice forever in what I’m going to create, 

because I’m going to create Jerusalem to be a delight 

and its people to be a joy. 

Isaiah 65:17–18 — The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

17 “For I will create a new heaven and a new earth;

the past events will not be remembered or come to mind.

18 Then be glad and rejoice forever

in what I am creating;

for I will create Jerusalem to be a joy

and its people to be a delight.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

17 For I am about to create new heavens

and a new earth;

the former things shall not be remembered

or come to mind.

18 But be glad and rejoice forever

in what I am creating;

for I am about to create Jerusalem as a joy,

and its people as a delight.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — The Lexham English Bible (LEB)

17 For look! I am about to create new heavens and a new earth,

and the former things shall not be remembered,

and they shall not come to mind.

18 But rejoice and shout in exultation forever and ever over what I am about to create!

For look! I am about to create Jerusalem as a source of rejoicing,

and her people as a source of joy.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — New International Reader’s Version (1998) (NIrV)

17 “I will create new heavens and a new earth.

The things that have happened before will not be remembered.

They will not even enter your minds.

18 So be glad and full of joy forever

because of what I will create.

I will cause others to take delight in Jerusalem.

They will be filled with joy

when they see its people.

Isaiah 65:17–18 — New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95)

17 “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;

And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.

18 “But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;

For behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing

And her people for gladness.

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