
Isaiah 49:7–10

7 Thus says the Lord,

The Redeemer of Israel, 5their Holy One,

kTo Him 6whom man despises,

To Him whom the nation abhors,

To the Servant of rulers:

l“Kings shall see and arise,

Princes also shall worship,

Because of the Lord who is faithful,

The Holy One of Israel;

And He has chosen You.”

Thus says the Lord:

“In an macceptable 7time I have heard You,

And in the day of salvation I have helped You;

I will 8preserve You nand give You

As a covenant to the people,

To restore the earth,

To cause them to inherit the desolate 9heritages;

9 That You may say oto the prisoners, ‘Go forth,’

To those who are in darkness, ‘Show yourselves.’

“They shall feed along the roads,

And their pastures shall be on all desolate heights.

10 They shall neither phunger nor thirst,

qNeither heat nor sun shall strike them;

For He who has mercy on them rwill lead them,

Even by the springs of water He will guide them.

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