
Song of Solomon 7:3–10

xYour two breasts are like two fawns,

twins of a gazelle.

Your yneck is like an ivory tower.

Your zeyes are pools in aHeshbon,

by the gate of Bath-rabbim.

Your nose is like a tower of bLebanon,

which looks toward cDamascus.

Your head crowns you like eCarmel,

and your fflowing locks are like purple;

a king is held captive in the tresses.

gHow beautiful and hpleasant you are,

O loved one, with all your delights!1

Your stature is like a palm tree,

and your breasts are like its clusters.

I say I will climb the palm tree

and lay hold of its fruit.

Oh may your breasts be like iclusters of the vine,

and the scent of your breath like apples,

and your jmouth2 like the best wine.


It goes down smoothly for my beloved,

gliding over lips and teeth.3

10  kI am my beloved’s,

land his desire is for me.

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